European style Industry bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture

bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture

Expenditure: USD$7600
MATERIALS: Bronze/ Brass.
SIZE: Life-size or custom-made depending on your preference.
TECHNOLOGY: Lost-wax casting process.
PACKING: Generally soft and waterproof plastic inside, wooden cases/ iron box for outside.
CUSTOMIZATION: Graphic /logo

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bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture Details Description:

With attention to detail, this bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture captures the essence of sophistication and grandeur, evoking the magnificence of European craftsmanship. Inspired by the palatial glamor of Victorian design, this bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture displays intricate detailing and opulent opulence, reminiscent of a bygone era of luxury and sophistication. The solid bronze structure lends durability and strength, while the industrial elements of the bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture add a modern touch, perfectly blending tradition with modernity.

bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture

bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture

Perforated backrest design: enhances aesthetics and functionality

Professional sculpture making bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture, meticulous in the design of the perforated backrest. Through precision drilling and forming techniques, craftsmen create intricate patterns that not only add visual interest but also serve a functional purpose. These perforations improve airflow and increase comfort during long periods of sitting. In addition, the perforated backrest design adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture, reflecting the attention to detail of European craftsmanship.

Perforated bronze Armchair

Perforated bronze Armchair

Curved armrests inspired by human anatomy: for optimal comfort and ergonomics

A hallmark of the bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture is the use of curved armrests inspired by the natural contours of the human body. Carvers carefully carve these armrests to ensure optimal support and comfort for the sitter. By mirroring the curves of the human body, these armrests promote correct posture and reduce stress on shoulders and arms. This thoughtful consideration of ergonomics not only enhances the functionality of the bronze Victoria Cast Armchair sculpture but also enhances its aesthetic appeal, creating a harmonious blend of form and function.

vintage European style Industry chair

vintage European style Industry chair